Supply Chain Management Solution

An Extensive Factory Audit

An Extensive Factory Audit is part of an effective quality assurance program to minimize risks and improve supply chain performance. Also referred to as a Manufacturing Audit, factory audit or supplier technical audit, an extensive factory audit is frequently used to evaluate potential new suppliers in China and monitor regular suppliers. It vets your vendor’s capability to fulfill your orders in the desired quantity, meet your quality objectives, and comply with timeframes.

3CYuan’s trained and certified auditors conduct an on-site evaluation of a factory based on International Standard, ISO 9001, and other 3CYuan checkpoints critical to understanding and qualifying your supplier.

Each manufacturing audit is unique, combining 3CYuan’s manufacturing audit checklist, which includes over 100 checkpoints, with your specific requirements. 3CYuan auditors can also provide you with a detailed technical audit corrective action plan to assist with smooth implementation of any necessary improvements.